[DEVEXPRESS] Share code to create reports to print multiple invoices on XtraReport C#

Xin chào các bạn, bài viết hôm nay mình chia sẻ các bạn source code các in nhiều hóa đơn cùng một lúc trong Xtrareport Devexpress C#.

[DEVEXPRESS] Chia sẻ code các tạo report in nhiều hóa đơn trên XtraReport C#

Kết quả khi chạy ứng dụng:

Ở bài viết này mình demo 2 loại: List ObjectDataset.


using DevExpress.XtraPrinting.Preview;
using DevExpress.XtraPrintingLinks;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using DevExpress.XtraPrinting;
using DevExpress.XtraPrinting.Links;

using DevExpress.XtraReports.UI;

namespace PrintInvoice
    public partial class MainForm : DevExpress.XtraEditors.XtraForm
        public MainForm()

        public List<Invoice> GetSampleData()
            List<Invoice> invoices = new List<Invoice>
        new Invoice
            InvoiceNo = 1001,
            InvoiceDate = new DateTime(2023, 4, 15),
            CustomerName = "Nguyễn Thảo",
            TotalAmount = 1250.75m,
            InvoiceItems = new List<InvoiceItem>
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product A", Quantity = 2, UnitPrice = 100.50m, TotalPrice = 201.00m },
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product B", Quantity = 5, UnitPrice = 75.25m, TotalPrice = 376.25m },
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product C", Quantity = 3, UnitPrice = 224.50m, TotalPrice = 673.50m }
        new Invoice
            InvoiceNo = 1002,
            InvoiceDate = new DateTime(2023, 4, 18),
            CustomerName = "Cái Trí Minh",
            TotalAmount = 875.40m,
            InvoiceItems = new List<InvoiceItem>
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product D", Quantity = 1, UnitPrice = 375.60m, TotalPrice = 375.60m },
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product E", Quantity = 4, UnitPrice = 124.95m, TotalPrice = 499.80m }
        new Invoice
            InvoiceNo = 1003,
            InvoiceDate = new DateTime(2023, 4, 20),
            CustomerName = "Võ Sơn Băng",
            TotalAmount = 1500.00m,
            InvoiceItems = new List<InvoiceItem>
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product F", Quantity = 3, UnitPrice = 200.00m, TotalPrice = 600.00m },
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product G", Quantity = 2, UnitPrice = 150.75m, TotalPrice = 301.50m },
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product H", Quantity = 1, UnitPrice = 500.25m, TotalPrice = 500.25m }
        new Invoice
            InvoiceNo = 1004,
            InvoiceDate = new DateTime(2023, 4, 22),
            CustomerName = "Nguyễn Đình Tuyên",
            TotalAmount = 990.50m,
            InvoiceItems = new List<InvoiceItem>
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product I", Quantity = 2, UnitPrice = 110.25m, TotalPrice = 220.50m },
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product J", Quantity = 3, UnitPrice = 75.00m, TotalPrice = 225.00m },
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product K", Quantity = 4, UnitPrice = 140.00m, TotalPrice = 560.00m }
        new Invoice
            InvoiceNo = 1005,
            InvoiceDate = new DateTime(2023, 4, 25),
            CustomerName = "Hoàng Thị Thảo",
            TotalAmount = 675.80m,
            InvoiceItems = new List<InvoiceItem>
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product L", Quantity = 1, UnitPrice = 375.80m, TotalPrice = 375.80m },
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product M", Quantity = 2, UnitPrice = 150.00m, TotalPrice = 300.00m }
        new Invoice
            InvoiceNo = 1006,
            InvoiceDate = new DateTime(2023, 4, 28),
            CustomerName = "Nguyễn Phương Nhi",
            TotalAmount = 1150.25m,
            InvoiceItems = new List<InvoiceItem>
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product N", Quantity = 3, UnitPrice = 200.25m, TotalPrice = 600.75m },
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product O", Quantity = 2, UnitPrice = 175.50m, TotalPrice = 351.00m },
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product P", Quantity = 1, UnitPrice = 275.00m, TotalPrice = 275.00m }
        new Invoice
            InvoiceNo = 1007,
            InvoiceDate = new DateTime(2023, 5, 1),
            CustomerName = "Trịnh Quốc Khang",
            TotalAmount = 1450.60m,
            InvoiceItems = new List<InvoiceItem>
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product Q", Quantity = 4, UnitPrice = 150.50m, TotalPrice = 602.00m },
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product R", Quantity = 2, UnitPrice = 175.75m, TotalPrice = 351.50m },
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product S", Quantity = 1, UnitPrice = 500.10m, TotalPrice = 500.10m }
        new Invoice
            InvoiceNo = 1008,
            InvoiceDate = new DateTime(2023, 5, 4),
            CustomerName = "Đinh Minh Thành",
            TotalAmount = 970.25m,
            InvoiceItems = new List<InvoiceItem>
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product T", Quantity = 1, UnitPrice = 450.25m, TotalPrice = 450.25m },
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product U", Quantity = 3, UnitPrice = 140.00m, TotalPrice = 420.00m },
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product V", Quantity = 2, UnitPrice = 100.00m, TotalPrice = 200.00m }
        new Invoice
            InvoiceNo = 1009,
            InvoiceDate = new DateTime(2023, 5, 7),
            CustomerName = "Nguyễn Đình Tuyên",
            TotalAmount = 825.90m,
            InvoiceItems = new List<InvoiceItem>
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product W", Quantity = 2, UnitPrice = 200.25m, TotalPrice = 400.50m },
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product X", Quantity = 1, UnitPrice = 425.50m, TotalPrice = 425.50m }
        new Invoice
            InvoiceNo = 1010,
            InvoiceDate = new DateTime(2023, 5, 10),
            CustomerName = "Hoàng Dược Sư",
            TotalAmount = 550.40m,
            InvoiceItems = new List<InvoiceItem>
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product Y", Quantity = 3, UnitPrice = 100.00m, TotalPrice = 300.00m },
                new InvoiceItem { ItemName = "Product Z", Quantity = 2, UnitPrice = 75.20m, TotalPrice = 150.40m }

            return invoices;

        public DataSet GetSampleDataSet()
            DataSet dataSet = new DataSet();

            DataTable masterTable = new DataTable("Invoice");
            masterTable.Columns.Add("InvoiceNo", typeof(int));
            masterTable.Columns.Add("InvoiceDate", typeof(DateTime));
            masterTable.Columns.Add("CustomerName", typeof(string));
            masterTable.Columns.Add("TotalAmount", typeof(decimal));

            DataTable detailTable = new DataTable("InvoiceItem");
            detailTable.Columns.Add("InvoiceNo", typeof(int));
            detailTable.Columns.Add("ItemName", typeof(string));
            detailTable.Columns.Add("Quantity", typeof(int));
            detailTable.Columns.Add("UnitPrice", typeof(decimal));
            detailTable.Columns.Add("TotalPrice", typeof(decimal));

            dataSet.Relations.Add("Invoice_InvoiceItem", masterTable.Columns["InvoiceNo"], detailTable.Columns["InvoiceNo"]);

            List<Invoice> invoices = GetSampleData();
            foreach (Invoice invoice in invoices)
                DataRow masterRow = masterTable.NewRow();
                masterRow["InvoiceNo"] = invoice.InvoiceNo;
                masterRow["InvoiceDate"] = invoice.InvoiceDate;
                masterRow["CustomerName"] = invoice.CustomerName;
                masterRow["TotalAmount"] = invoice.TotalAmount;

                foreach (InvoiceItem item in invoice.InvoiceItems)
                    DataRow detailRow = detailTable.NewRow();
                    detailRow["InvoiceNo"] = invoice.InvoiceNo;
                    detailRow["ItemName"] = item.ItemName;
                    detailRow["Quantity"] = item.Quantity;
                    detailRow["UnitPrice"] = item.UnitPrice;
                    detailRow["TotalPrice"] = item.TotalPrice;

            return dataSet;

        private void simpleButton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            var invoices = GetSampleData();

            var report = new rptInvoice();

            report.DataSource = invoices;

            var printTool = new DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.ReportPrintTool(report);


        private void simpleButton2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

            var invoices = GetSampleDataSet();

            var report = new rptInvoiceDataSet();

            report.DataSource = invoices;

            var printTool = new DevExpress.XtraReports.UI.ReportPrintTool(report);


    public class Invoice
        public int InvoiceNo { get; set; }
        public DateTime InvoiceDate { get; set; }
        public string CustomerName { get; set; }
        public decimal TotalAmount { get; set; }
        public List<InvoiceItem> InvoiceItems { get; set; }

    public class InvoiceItem
        public string ItemName { get; set; }
        public int Quantity { get; set; }
        public decimal UnitPrice { get; set; }
        public decimal TotalPrice { get; set; }



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